Each Session of Summer Coding Camp Has Daily Coding Exercises and Final Projects
Ages 6-8 = Beginner/Intro Coding Camp
Ages 9-11 = Intermediate Coding Camp
Ages 12-16= Advanced Coding Camp
(No background required)
Intro to Coding with Python-Session I (A)
First time coders will learn Python programming fundamentals while developing interative applications that are challenging, creative, and fun.
Sketch digital art with Python Turtles. Code a Mad-Libs game. Build an interactive chat-bot.
A great chance to learn new skills that will last a lifetime.
Intro to Coding with Python – Session II (B)
Excited to learn more? Come back for a second round to learn even more coding tricks. Campers will continue with sophisticated Python Turtle art that uses advanced commands, as well as a secret code generator that creates (and deciphers) encrypted messages.
Intermediate Coding Camp with Python-Session I (A)
Learn to use Python programming tools while doing the same creative thinking and real-world problem solving as tech professionals.
Campers will develop a screen-based alarm clock, a working restaurant menu, and a simple game to teach typing skills. You’ll be amazed at how much your kids can learn in one summer.
Intermediate Coding Camp with Python-Session I (B)
Ready to “go pro” with your Python skills? Returning campers will learn advanced Python coding tools as they build a grade book for their online school and a Python based version of the classic Asteroids video game.
Session 1: July 11th to 18th – $1000 CAD
Session 2: August 1st to 19th – $1000 CAD
Full Summer Session July 6th to August 21st (Discounted) – $1800 CAD (Tax Included)
*A = Beginning Session (Level One)
B = Level Two
9am – 12pm
*Each session will be 45 minutes (with a 15 minute break between each session; so your kids can get a snack, go to the bathroom, etc).
Each Session of Summer Coding Camp Has Daily Coding Exercises and Final Projects
Ages 11-14 = Intermediate Coding Camp